Web applications play a pivotal role in various aspects of our lives, from communication and finance to entertainment and healthcare. With this increased reliance on web apps comes the pressing need to ensure their security. From protecting sensitive user data to safeguarding against cyber threats, prioritizing security in web applications is paramount. Let’s delve into […]
In today’s digital landscape, web applications play a central role in our daily lives, offering a wide range of services. However, behind the scenes, the magic of seamless interaction between these applications is powered by APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). Let’s explore how APIs streamline communication between web applications, revolutionizing how we navigate and utilize the […]
Adminio grows and reaches version 3.0. What is it Adminio is the CMS (Content Management System) internally developed from 2013. It is the platform that enables our customers to independently manage your website, using simple interface and without knowing any programming languages. Adminio is also the basic structure for our Digital Transformation projects, dedicated to the digitization […]
You’ll notice that, when browsing the internet, the address of a website is preceded by the words HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer). They are the protocols that allow our computer to communicate with the server that provides the web page.